2017.3.6 Column

“Mankind’s Three Greatest Inventions!?”

When I was talking to one notable entrepreneur the other day, we really got fired up on the subject of mankind’s inventions. “Looking back from far in the future, mankind’s three greatest inventions would seem to be language, religion, and the internet (digital), which has since taken over the place of energy. Lining up next to Edison would probably be Steve Jobs’ name on a textbook.”

Although the influence that languages and religion has had on humanity through the thousands even hundreds of years that have passed may not yet be comparable, the impact and speed of change of digital technology on our lives (a thousand years compared to about ten years) is certain to be written in the textbooks of the future: “The expansion of the internet at the beginning of the 21st century has made a momentous change in the lives of people.” 

The phrase “information society” has been widely talked about some time recently, although the desire to seek information, especially the pursuit of information concerning human desires, began many thousands of years ago, from the early days of humanity. “Human desires” meaning physical things, cultural things, emotional pleasures, and so forth. Humanity has, on this earth, by foot, horses, ships, trains, cars, airplanes, etc. developed and evolved the methods to pursue the desire of information.

Consequently, information has also brought about the greatest tragedy of strife, and sometimes war, for human happiness. Yet, the internet has easily reduced the barriers of time, space, and distance that were before obstacles in the acquisition of information.

From PCs to smartphones, the personalization and evolution of devices is a momentum that is impossible to imagine even in the close future. It has become easier for individuals and businesses to not only search for and receive information, but also to transmit information, resulting in an overflow of digital content.
Fake news written beneath the scribbling of a bathroom stall; Confidential information that would shake even the nation; Tweets from the strongest country’s leader; Pikotaro becoming the most famous artist (?) in the world in an instant from PPAPi ...

Due to digital information, individuals and business, sometimes even nations get into deep water, but it is also possible to make the world happier as well. It is one of the strongest inventions in human history in that way.

Marketing and advertising industries are even undergoing major changes. Since “marketing is the most important function in management,” management is largely impacted, and our way of working is changing as a result. We are thinking, speaking, and acting in order to make this change a happier thing.

The theme of this column is “Think Local & Go Global!”

I hope that through the expansion of the internet the freedom and happiness of the people living and working in Tokyo (local) will increase alongside the places to flourish for the people living and working in the countryside, such as my hometown Kochi. I hope the fruits of these efforts will also rapidly spread to the rest of the world (global).
“Digital & LIVE (Life)” and “Local & Global” go hand in hand with one another, just like “Pen & Apple”ii

i  : PPAP (Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen) is a song by Pikotaro, a fictional singer-songwriter created by Japanese comedian Daimaou Kosaka, who gained international renowned success after its 2016 YouTube release.

ii : See above reference.