2018.5.7 Column

The Best Untaxed Assets

“Untax’d assets? There’s no way there’s any such thang!”
“And what tha heck’s ‘n asset that don’t have no d’preciation, don’t take no ‘nventory, and don’t need no warehouse??”

For some reason, I start speaking in a different dialect when I try to express these things. *laughs*
“Untaxed assets” in the business sense are…
Assets formed in investment activities (mainly promotion such as promotional advertising) through marketing, favorable impressions from customers, and support.

In English, it would be “branding, engagement,” or put simply, “fondness.
*Of course, a brand can’t be built by just advertising. Always be careful and try not to be easily persuaded by an advertising company’s honey-mouthed business talk. *laughs*

Wildly enthusiastic support at Tokyo Dome

A company’s strength in brand formation comes from their strength in being able to convey the values, culture, and ideals that the company has.

Recently, the utilization of the web and social media as promotional advertising tools have been indispensable in the art of communication.
I think the art of conveying a company’s services — and in that background the company’s culture — as content, and creating various kinds of output, is also a business technology.

It feels as if even within Japan’s B2B business, companies that have superior and powerful products and that have grown through a strong sales force still have a multitude of things that they aren’t good at.

Similar to financial investments, the more leverage we apply, the more we can expect a return on investment, yet, conversely, the risk of loss also increases.
The marketer fears this too much, and thus habitually establishes KPI’s in order to not lose.
Arriving at such things as the number of web accesses — due to its ease of setting-up and ease of improvement — and the number of acquired business cards at exhibitions.

Even if invested, fixed-term deposits will only become something like a low-interest asset. You can’t really call fixed-term deposits “investments” now can you?

In the pre-internet age (which to be honest was only just a mere while ago), marketing investment methods were surprisingly quite simple.
You’d hop on AIDMA’s law (Attention, Interest, Desire, Memory, Action), selected a media, splurge on creative, and it was possible to predict the general outcomes.

However, the internet easily subdues that as it repeatedly destroys and creates.

“If you want to want a great product, this company’s is it.”
What should we do if we want that kind of asset formation, where the market feels that way for us?

The answers lies in a company’s “story-telling power.”
The more interesting a “story” is, the more it will be continued to be read, inherited, and successfully passed down, generation through generation.